Web Development

In today’s digital world each business be it small or large needs web presence.

Envika Consulting deals with complete solution for web based application and website development.

Our fully dedicated and experienced team of designers and developers can convert your business idea into an innovative website.

Our Approach

First stage of our approach is to clearly understand the client’s requirement.

Understand about their business, domain, industry and website design requirement.

In this stage we will:-

  • Brainstorm with client
  • Create execution plan
  • Create wireframes for the website

Now that we have understood the target audience for the website and client’s industry standards.

Keeping these in mind our team of innovative designers will design UI and UX of all the pages for the website.

All the pages will be:-

  • Mobile Ready - Designs will be created for all the major devices. e.g. mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Intuitive - So that end message is passed easily, clearly and quickly
  • SEO Friendly - To improve search engine ranking and drive more traffic to website

Development of the pages is basically converting the web pages designed into html pages.

For this our team of experienced developers uses latest technologies and industry standards to make sure all the pages are developed in best quality.

After the client’s approval we make the website live.

Annual Maintenance Contract is needed for the website to make sure website is running smoothly.

In the maintenance contract we provide these services:-

  • Server level administration - To make sure website is live all the time
  • Backup and Restore services - Taking daily backup of the website and restore the backup if needed

Impressed with the service we offer?

Then you can hire us for your next project!

Envika Consultancy